


In accordance with the amendments of the Law on Insurance, within its basic activity, Erste Leasing also deals with the insurance agency based on the authorization of the National Bank of Serbia for the provision of insurance agency operations no. 4865 as of 24 June 2016.

Our goal is to provide all our clients with the complete service of financing, to the insurance of a selected subject of leasing at one place.

Erste Leasing is an insurance agent through which you can get offers and information about insurance conditions for entering into insurance policies which cover certain risks.  We will make sure that we have obtained and presented the offers received from insurance companies we represent. Thereby, the client has the possibility to select and agree the best insurance offer, such as casco insurance, car insurance, property insurance, insurance of persons in case of accidents, etc.

Erste Leasing is the agent of the following insurance companies:

  • Wiener Städtische osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd
  • Generali osiguranje Srbija a.d.o. Beograd
  • DDOR osiguranje a.d.o. Novi Sad
  • Uniqa neživotno osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd
  • AMS osigiranje a.d.o. Beograd
  • Triglav osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd
  • Sava neživotno osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd
  • Milenijum osiguranje a.d.o. Beograd

As insurance agent, Erste Leasing is always available to a client, even after signing the agreement on financial leasing and insurance policy. When the agreement on financial leasing expires, even after that, we offer and provide services to our clients who can continue with the insurance of their acquired subject of lease as any other subjects owned by them.

Send us an inquiry!

Please contact us with full confidence.

Our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible.