Visa Classic credit card

Card which ensures that additional funds
are always at your fingertips

  • Fast and simple payments in Serbia and abroad
  • Safe online payments by using Verified by
    Visa service
  • Refinance your card debts with other banks,
    under favourable conditions
Key numbers

Amount of approved funds up to

6 times the average monthly income

Choose the repayment percentage

from 5% to 100% of spent funds

Minimum loan amount already from

RSD 25,000

Visa Classic credit card


  • Fast and simple payment with an international credit card
  • You have additional funds in the amount of RSD 25,000 to 6 times the average monthly income at your disposal
  • Possibility of constant rollover with a revolving repayment model (with a repayment of monthly instalment and/or early debt repayment, the amount is again made available)
  • Safe online shopping with Verified by Visa service
  • Refinance your card debts with other banks, under favourable conditions
  • You can also get optional Wiener travel health insurance

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